Wall calendar collection tips

Although the calendars that everyone has seen and hung in every family are very close to everyone, most people regard them as ordinary, and they do not know what kind of calendars are valuable for collection. In fact, in the face of all kinds of wall calendars, collection still needs to pay attention to some…

What are the types of calendars

Nowadays, in supermarkets, homes, offices, governments, etc., as long as there are crowds, some wall calendars will be placed in order to change the date to a certain extent. So what are the types sold by the manufacturer, and which occasions are they suitable for display? General purpose, leaflet annual calendar, wooden wall calendar, three-dimensional…

Innovative features of wall calendar design

Although the wall calendar is a traditional item in China, after years of development, it has begun to be inseparable from the trend of the times. Every calendar design sold in the market has the color of the times, which has a carrier and reflection of such social development. So what are the innovative features…